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- Know Your Interviewer .com -

Know your interviewer. Win the job.

🚀 Perfect for consulting, banking, Fortune 500s, and tech.

The interview cheatsheet designed to...

know exactly what your interviewer cares about, ask the right questions, and stand out effortlessly.

  • 🎯

    3 personalized conversation starters

    Break the ice with confidence

  • 🧠

    5 topics they find interesting

    Connect on shared passions and interests

  • 🎉

    Important life events

    Understand their journey and milestones

  • 💡

    3 personalized questions to ask

    Show you've done your research

  • 📚

    Professional advice they've shared

    Learn from their experience and insights

  • ✍️

    Content analysis

    Articles and posts they've created

  • 👍

    Social media engagement

    Their most impactful and popular posts

  • 😄

    Personalized ice breaker

    A company or topic specific joke they'll love

How It Works

We will analyze thousands of data points across social profiles, articles, and public insights to uncover the key details you must know about your interviewer.


Vincent McLeese

"I felt prepared and confident."

Vincent McLeese

Hired at Accenture

Wanying Zhang

"I hit it off right away with my interviewer."

Wanying Zhang

Hired at Prime Capital

Elliot Garreffa

"I did 5 interviews and got 5 offers."

Elliot Garreffa

Hired at Cap Gemini

Save 20+ Hours of Research

for $20

Why Choose Us?

  • Comprehensive insights tailored to your needs.
  • Fast and reliable service.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee.